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Magics in Notebooks
Magic #1 Info
Example: ``%%info```
This one outputs session information from Livy.
Magic #2 cleanup
Example: ``%%cleanup -f``
This one deletes all sessions running on the current Livy endpoint. The ``f`` switch forces the cleanup.
Magic #3 delete
Example: ``delete -f -s 0``
This one deletes the session specified the ``-s`` switch; the ``-f`` switch forces the deletion.
Magic #4 configure
Example: ``%%configure -f {“executorMemory”: “100M”, “executorCores”:4}``
This one arguably the most useful magic. Allows you to figure your session.
Magic #4 ``sql``
Example: ``%%sql -o tables -q SHOW TABLES``
This one executes an SQL query against the current spark session.
Magic #5 ``local``
Example: ``%%local a=1``
This one magic does all the code in the Notebook cell with this magic will be executed locally against the Python environment.
Let me know what else magic commands you know.