The term “growth mindset” was coined by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck. Her book, “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,” sold millions of copies and became a global phenomenon in the minds of many.
The two types of mindset are fixed and growth. Those with a fixed mindset believe that their abilities are fixed — they cannot be changed or improved. On the contrary, those with a growth mindset believe that their abilities can be developed, if they put in effort to work on them.
It is estimated that there will be 250 million decision makers worldwide by 2025.
In the past few years, companies have been looking for ways to reach as many customers as possible with very limited resources. The role of the decision maker has changed due to data engineering. More and more data is collected and processed by various analytics tools. Decision makers can now predict customer needs and serve them better with more data than before. Consequently, decision-makers must adopt a growth mindset to keep up with such changes in the future.
Successful organizations depend on both professionals with a growth mindset and those who have a more analytical mindset — people who rely on data engineering to make informed decisions.
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